Home 8x14 Free greenhouse plans

Free greenhouse plans

by Ovidiu
1.8K views 5 minutes read


This backyard project is about free greenhouse plans. Building a greenhouse for your yard is a project that requires basic techniques and a low investment. Nevertheless, maybe the most important aspect of the project is to place the greenhouse in an appropriate location. Make sure the plants will receive at least 8 hours of sunlight every day, otherwise they won’t be able to develop properly.

There are a few things that you should take into account before starting the actual construction of the greenhouse. Therefore, you need to choose plans that suit your needs and match the size and the style of the backyard. Moreover, choose the lumber with attention, when buying the boards (they should be a in a good visible condition and perfectly straight). Pre-drill the components before inserting the screws, to prevent the wood from splitting. See all my Premium Plans HERE.



Projects made from these plans




It’s that easy to build a greenhouse!


Cut & Shopping Lists

  • A – 4 pieces of 2×4 lumber – 159 1/2” long, 10 pieces – 84 1/4″ long SIDES
  • B – 1 piece of 1/2″ plywood – 24”x48″ long ENDS
  • C – 10 piece of 2×4 plywood – 40 3/4” long RAFTERS
  • – 1 piece of 2×6 lumber – 159 1/2” long TOP RIDGE
  • – 2 pieces of 2×2 lumber – 73″ long, 2 pieces – 32″ long DOOR 


 Hammer, Tape measure, Framing square, Level

 Miter saw, Drill machinery, Screwdriver, Sander

 Post hole digger, Concrete mixer

 Safety Gloves, Safety Glasses


 One day



Building a backyard greenhouse

Building a greenhouse

Building a greenhouse


Top Tip: Always adjust the size and the design of the greenhouse to suit the style and size of your backyard. In addition, check if the lumber is a good condition before making the components for the greenhouse.



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Free greenhouse plans

Side walls plans

Side walls plans

The first step of the woodworking project is to build the side walls. Therefore, you need to cut both ends of the studs at about 81.8 degrees, by using a good miter saw with a sharp blade.

Drill pilot holes through the plates and insert 3 1/2″ galvanized screws into the studs. Make sure you countersink the head of the screws, if you want to get a professional result. Check if the corners are right-angled with a square.

Building the front and back ends

Building the front and back ends

The next step of the backyard project is to lock the sides of the greenhouse together, by installing the front and the back walls. As you can see in the free greenhouse plans, you need to leave a 32″ wide opening for the front door when framing the walls.

Drill pilot holes trough the plates and insert the screws into the studs. Plumb the studs with a spirit level and check if the plates are horizontal. In addition, the corners must be perfectly square.

Building the rafters

Building the rafters

Continue the project and build the wooden rafters for the greenhouse. As you can notice in the image, you need to cut the ends of the rafters at various degrees and lock them to the top plates of the walls and to the ridge.

Align the rafters at both ends and lock them into place with 3 1/2″ galvanized screws, after drilling pilot holes. Cut all the rafters exactly in the same manner, otherwise they might not fit together.

Fitting the rafters

Fitting the rafters

As you can notice in the image, you need to place the rafters equally spaced, as to support the weight of the roof effectively. Check if there are protruding screws or edges that might damage the film.

Building the front door

Building the front door

One of the last steps of the woodworking project is to build the front door and to lock it to the jambs with metal hinges. Therefore, all you need to make is a basic frame, using 2×4 lumber and galvanized screws.

Top Tip: Check if the corners are right-angled and fit the door into the opening. Next, lock the door to the frame with hinges and install a simple latch. Check if the door opens properly.

Free Greenhouse Plans

Free Greenhouse Plans

Last but not least, take care of the final touches. Insert all the screws at the same level with the wooden surface and smooth the sharp edges. Apply a few coats of protective paint to prevent the wooden components from decay.

Top Tip: Cover the structure with polyethylene film making sure you stretch it as much as possible. Alternatively, you could use poly-carbonate sheets to cover the greenhouse.



This woodworking project was about free greenhouse plans. If you want to see more outdoor plans, we recommend you to check out the rest of our step by step projects.



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