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DIY Project – Glider Bench with Cushions

by Ovidiu
651 views 1 minutes read


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DIY Project – Glider Bench


From Brett,

Went well. Glider brackets need explaining but I figured them out. Those who do this project need the 7.5 inch between holes brackets. I put horizontal slats for the seat back, not vertical. I also added 1×6 for the arms.

They are the drops from a 12 foot I used. Took a day to make and and hour to stain. (Min wax gunstock) looks real nice. Quite heavy though. When and if wood prices go down I may make a few more. Thanks for the plan. It was fun.



From Plans: https://myoutdoorplans.com/furniture/glider-bench-plans/

Difficulty Level: easy

Time Required: 1 day

Total Cost:




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1 comment

Ovidiu -

The premium plans come with detailed diagrams on how to fit the brackets.


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