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DIY Outdoor Swing Set

by Ovidiu
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DIY Outdoor Swing Set



From Philip, 

Went by the basic design but changed the following items:

– Removed the ceiling/cover

– Raised the platform to 6ft and used an additional 12ft 4×4 cut in 2 for additional support and for the climbing ladder

– Added second A-frame off the opposite side with a climbing net and door

– For simplicity connected A-frames to front of structure instead of middle

– Used 1×6 cut in half instead of 1×4 for slats

– Used the excess from the 2×6 floor boards for ladder, cut in half to make steps (2×3)

– Used preformed metal caps for A-frame support on main structure and at top of A frame


Room for improvement: * Make ladder either angled or use a 2×4 instead of a 2×6 at the side of the frame where the ladder is, the kids have a hard time making the last step

Total cost including hardware: Approx $400 (not including slide)



From Plans: http://myoutdoorplans.com/playhouse/outdoor-playset-plans/

Difficulty Level: intermediate

Time Required: 1 weekend

Total Cost: $400




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