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DIY 8×12 Chicken Coop

by Ovidiu
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DIY 8×12 Chicken Coop











From Gene Sewell, 

Cost about 2000.00 can 8 x 12 shed. fake front doors. wired led lights inside 1 red 2 white 1 up in loft. lower 2 ft 1/4 inch plywood so chickens cant peck it top 4 ft dry wall. put rafters across roof ply wood floor on rafters for storage area. made 2 front windows 7 “wide 24” long for day light. will finish with a 4 ft high corral with 1×4 boards and screened in as a chicken run. mainly a look to go with building and keeping things to a ratio size. Wiring has a male plug out front right corner so a extension cord from house can power the coop. oh forgot its all insulated including floor for those Canadian winters. good project took me about a week working 4 hr days. steel roof and adjusted trim a bit from original plans .



From Plans: http://myoutdoorplans.com/shed/8×12-barn-shed-plans/

Difficulty Level: medium

Time Required: 1 week

Total Cost: $2000




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