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DIY 20×20 Backyard Pavilion

by Ovidiu
1.5K views 1 minutes read
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DIY 20×20 Backyard Pavilion





From Brian Griffin, 

My wife and i did everything accept the concrete. It took us about 6 weeks to complete as you see it. Neither of us have a lot of building experience. I had most of the tools. Total cost as it set in pics was around 12K. Just the structure no concrete or extras around 4K.



From Plans: http://myoutdoorplans.com/gazebo/20×20-picnic-shelter-plans/

Difficulty Level: complex

Time Required: 6 weeks

Total Cost: $12000



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Jay Davis -

I have a question, I have an existing concrete slab that I’m thinking about put a picnic shelter house on. What are my options for securing the post (6×6)? Can this be done without cutting up the concrete to set the post? Thanks.

Ovidiu -

First of all, you need to read the local building codes. Secondly, my point of view is that you need to set the posts 3′ in concrete.


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