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3 Tier Herb Planter – DIY Project

by Ovidiu
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3 Tier Herb Planter – DIY Project



From Gary Lawrenson,

The planter took approximately 6 hrs to build in stages. I built the troughs first – slightly bigger than the plan at 90cm as I use a lot of herbs. The legs and supports came next – I added extra support to the troughs in case the extra load would be too much for the nails or screws – all very straight forward. The other tweak I made was to add a shelf at the bottom to store things like a watering can / trowel etc. I used pressure treated timber – the sort used for fencing – total cost of project £20 – not bad when a store bought planter would set you back £80!!



From Plans: http://myoutdoorplans.com/planter/3-tier-planter-plans/

 Level: easy

Time Required: 6 hours

Total Cost: £20




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