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Large Dog House – DIY Project

by Ovidiu
1 minutes read

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Large Dog House – DIY Project


From Cliff Carey,

I modified the plans slightly and placed the door on the side so that it would be underneath the overhang on the back of our house. I had about 1/4 of the supplies needed already, including the 2x2s, a 5/8″ half sheet of plywood and all the roofing.

A few more 2x2s, 1×2 and 1×3 trim, siding, treated 2x4s, and paint cost around $200, and took two weekends to complete by myself. I put hinges on the roof for easier access for cleaning, etc. although the weight of the roof (about 75-100 lbs with shingles) justifies gas struts.

I added a window on the front and a vent on the left side to give good air flow in the summer time. We live in Sacramento, CA, so it will be used mostly to keep the dogs out of the rain during the day while we’re at work. My only regret was starting the project in the garage and then moving it to the backyard once it was mostly finished.

My two sons and I had to lift it over the fence since it was too wide to fit through any of our gates.



From Plans: https://myoutdoorplans.com/animals/large-dog-house-plans/

Difficulty Level: medium

Time Required: two weekends

Total Cost: $200


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