Home Furniture Quilt Rack Plans

Quilt Rack Plans

by Ovidiu
1.2K views 4 minutes read


This step by step project is about quilt rack plans. If you want to build a simple structure with a simple but modern design, in order to display the carpets, we recommend you to pay attention to the instructions described in the article. This project features a basic 36″ wide quilt rack that can be assembled by any person with basic woodworking skills in just several hours.

There are several aspects that any person should take into account before starting the woodworking project. First of all, you need to use weather-resistant lumber, such as cedar, pine or redwood. Drill pocket holes at both ends of the components, if you want to lock them together tightly. In addition, add wood glue to the joints and check if the corners are right-angled. Plan everything from the very beginning, if you want to get a professional result. See all my Premium Plans HERE.



Projects made from these plans




Quilt Rack Plans

Building a quilt rack

Building a quilt rack


Cut & Shopping Lists

  • A – 2 pieces of 1×10 lumber – 26″ long SIDES
  • B – 1 piece of 1×10 lumber – 34 1/2″ long BOTTOM
  • C – 1 piece of 1×10 lumber – 36″ long TOP
  • D – 1 piece of 1″ thick round lumber ROD


 Hammer, Tape measure, Framing square

 Miter saw, Drill machinery, Screwdriver, Sander

 Safety Gloves, Safety Glasses


 One day




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Building a quilt rack

Building the sides

Building the sides

The first step of the indoor woodworking project is to build the sides for the rack. As you can easily notice in the diagram, we recommend you to build the components out of 1×10 lumber.

Mark the cut lines on the slats with attention and get the job done with a circular saw. Afterwards, create the curved cuts with a jigsaw and smooth the edges with sandpaper. Drill pocket holes along the top edge.

Fitting the bottom component

Fitting the bottom component

The next step of the woodworking project is to build the bottom component for the rack and to fit it into place. Drill pocket holes at both ends of the component and secure it to the sides using 1 1/4″ screws. Add glue to the joints and make sure the corners are square.

Fitting the top component

Fitting the top component

Cut the top component out of 1×10 lumber, after taking accurate measurements. Fit the component over the side components and align it at both ends, making sure the edges are flush. Check if the corners are square and add glue to the joints. In addition, insert 1 1/4″ screws through the sides into the top component.

Fitting the rod

Fitting the rod

One of the last steps of the project is to attach the rod to the structure. As you can easily notice in the diagram, we recommend you to cut the rod out of 1″ thick round lumber at the right size. Drill pilot holes through the sides of the quit rack and insert several 2 1/2″ screws on each side. Make sure the rod is perfectly horizontal.

Quilt rack plans

Quilt rack plans

Last but not least, you should take care of the finishing touches. Therefore, fill the holes with wood putty and let the compound to dry out for several hours. Smooth the surface with medium-grit sandpaper along the wood grain.

Top Tip: Apply several coats of stain or paint to enhance the look of the lemonade stand and to protect the components from decay. Check out the rest of the project, to how how to build the deck stair rails.



This project was about quilt rack plans. If you want to see more outdoor plans, we recommend you to check out the rest of the projects. Don’t forget to share our projects with your friends, by using the social media widgets.



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