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DIY Wood Kids Chair

by Ovidiu
1.1K views 1 minutes read


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DIY Wood Kids Chair









From Matteo,

I built a couple of chairs for my son and, of course, I used a project of yours! I made small changes to the original plan, like using plywood for the seat and adding extra slats to connect the legs (my son is used to swing himself on chairs). I used a wood filler to fill gaps but the product wasn’t good for being stained and the result is not as I wished, but my son don’t care ehehe…

I made two chairs and a table in my spare time and it takes a whole week, but you can do all the work in a week-end if you work full days I suppose. Total cost (wood and stain for chairs and table) about 100 €.



From Plans: http://myoutdoorplans.com/playhouse/kids-chair-plans/

Difficulty Level: easy

Time Required: one week

Total Cost: 100 €




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