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DIY Chicken Coop with Nesting Boxes

by Ovidiu
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DIY Chicken Coop with Nesting Boxes









From David Thomas, 

Basically followed the plans for the Easy Chicken Coop but elevated it on 4×4 I modified the design by using a slightly smaller nesting box and mounted it higher leaving room for a removable panel below the nesting boxes for easier cleanout. I also added 2 each 3×3 for some roost.The biggest change was I did not use 3/4″ plywood since the only weight was chickens I decided to use 3/8 OSB which was only 7.00 a sheet vrs 19.00 for 3/4″ So far I have spent 155.00 the biggest cost being shingles.



From Plans: http://myoutdoorplans.com/animals/easy-chicken-coop-plans/

Difficulty Level: intermediate

Time Required: 1 weekend

Total Cost: 155$




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